Sentencing and Prison Reform

         In 2013, 2,220,300 people were incarcerated in state, local and federal prisons. That was approximately 716 people per 100,000 of population or about .716% of the United States population. According to Wikipedia, another 4,751,400 were on

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Education Reform

        How are our public schools doing? The answer can vary based on where your school is from cities, to suburbs to small towns. Suburban and small town schools are doing better than in our cities. Judge Thomas Moukawsher’s decision in September, 2016,

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As an immigrant and as an attorney in the U.S. Army Reserve, I have experienced how this is a unique and inspiring nation. It has been my experience that native-born Americans are not as aware or appreciative as to how exceptional and accepting this country is, flaws and all.

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The Magic Trick

          When do we use social pressure and when do we use law to influence people’s behavior? There are those who say society shouldn’t  judge individual’s conduct or lack of action. “It’s okay if you don’t want to do that.” “Whatever you are

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What’s Wrong With This Picture

When the Declaration of Independence was signed in July, 1776, it stated in part:         “[T]hat all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of

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What Would You Do?

        America’s War on the Family, also known as the War on Poverty, has not been successful in raising its intended beneficiaries out of poverty. Instead, a formidable bureaucracy of countless programs, federal and state, march on without anyone asking:

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Pro-Soviet/Russian History in School

      In high schools across the country, advanced placement courses are offered to high school students. The AP courses are harder than regular classes, and if a student can obtain a certain minimum score on a test administered by the College Board, they can

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Environmental Policy

          Who doesn’t like the environment? It is vibrant and rewarding to spend time outside. It is good for the soul. And quite frankly, we need a healthy environment for our children’s future and our future. Yet it seems that environmental

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Military Service Members and Alcohol

       I propose that all men and women in the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard be allowed to drink alcohol starting at age 18 versus the 21 that it is today. These heroes have volunteered to put themselves into harm’s way to defend us.

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